How to Decide Whether to Change Jobs or Careers

Reading time: 3 minutes

Are you feeling uninspired or even depressed by the thought of getting another job similar to the one you have now? If so, it’s time to delve deeper and ask yourself some crucial questions.

Often, we switch jobs, only to realize they leave us feeling just as unfulfilled. This can lead to a frustrating cycle of job-hopping without noticing that what we might actually need is a new career, not just a new job. If this scenario sounds familiar, it might be time to look in the mirror and ask if the biggest issue is actually YOU.

Do you need a new job?

Consider the pros and cons of your current job. Would you be happy doing the same job somewhere else? There’s such a thing as the right job at the wrong company, and vice versa.

Beware of cognitive bias, where you favor information that supports your current beliefs, like buying into stories that align with our current views. Before switching jobs or careers, ensure you’re making an informed decision.

Write down all the tasks you do day-to-day at work. Reflect on each one—do they energize or drain you? You don’t want to switch jobs and find yourself stuck with the same draining tasks when you should have been looking for something completely different.

If you’re unhappy at work, figure out if the problem is with your boss or the work environment. If your issues are with your boss, a new might make a difference. If the problem is with the work environment—like a lack of support or a negative company culture—changing jobs at the same company might not solve the problem.

Think about your future at your current company. What are your career goals, and are there opportunities for you to grow? If growth is a significant value for you, and there are no further opportunities at your current company, it might be time to look elsewhere.

Speaking of values, make sure you know your work values. Is your job, company, and career a good fit for these values? To understand if a company’s values align with yours, talk to people who already work there. Networking with current employees can provide insights into the company’s culture and values, helping you make a better decision.

Next, consider your non-negotiables at work. Many people overlook this step, but understanding what you want and what you don’t want is essential to avoid feeling stuck and unhappy again.

Do you need a new career?

How do you know if you’re in the wrong career? If you keep moving from one company to another without finding satisfaction, it might be a sign. Jumping from job to job because you’re chasing the wrong roles can be exhausting and unfulfilling.

Ask yourself if you genuinely love what you do. Are you reading books or listening to podcasts on your career topic out of passion?

Why are you in this career in the first place? Was it your decision, or were your parents involved in that choice? Just because you made that decision in the past doesn’t mean you have to stay in this career forever. Your education and work experience are not wasted; you don’t need to start over or accept a pay cut.

It’s okay to switch careers completely if you feel unfulfilled. It’s better to make a change now and find happiness than to remain unhappy until retirement. The cost of staying unhappy is simply too high. Feeling stuck in your career doesn’t have to be permanent.

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